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Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi Dennis93 and all!

You asked me, what I mean with perfect netcode?

Well, from what we experience with LFS, on Servers with 32 cars busy,
wheel to wheel fighting, with the perfect collision model, even some tolerance to lags, no graphic impossibilties like cars driving "through" each other, on can say, that the netcode is the best part of LFS.

What I expect from coming developments is not soo much, cars&tracks&&&,
BUT I hope for the LFS-community to live up in terms of numbers. That means more drivers online at a given time and very lifely racing-Leagues.

I know that many guys have decided to wait outside the game and comeback
when a patch comes and ALL of that kind come back:
The result will be (hopefully) what a self-fullfilling prophecy does...

Greetings to Denmark, Dandy
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
I started wondering about the Live for Speed S3 Minimum System Requirements when I realized how underequipped I am for rfactor2 beta.

What are the untouched qualities of LFS S2:

1) Perfect netcode for soo many cars.

2) Zero loading time for tracks and car setups..

3) Great community

4) Low hardware minimum system requirements

I understand that development also means groth in hardware demand.

I just wonder how far this will go with S3.

It would be great if developers would give as hints about that as soon as

the question of hpyerrealism
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed

I very much like this thread!

When I studied painting at the university some 15 years ago, I learned of a painting style called "hyperrealism".

Other then (foto-)realistic painting EVERY part of a picture would be completely realistic. Meaning: Objects in the foreground AND objects in the background would be painted as absolutely detailed as possible.

In (foto-)realistic painting only objects in the foreground are painted in exact detail, whereas things in the background are blurry, because the imagined "lense" can only focus on either fore- or background.

What am I saying here? --> the accurate simulation/narration of the "entire"
physics of 4 wheels might integrate a lot of thought, aspect and parameter, it will not, however, involve every Atom, Quantum, or matter of chance!

In the "pixelation" of all aspects of a simulation soon the whole thing becomes a question of computing power and speed, and when I think of LFS I must say, that one of it´s greatest qualities is that it runs on modest cpu&graphic power.

Inventing tyrephysics that are top-accurate for (let´s say) professional racing simulation in the real industry AND at the same time demanding everage computing power seems quiet contradictory.

What is the goal for future LFS - developments?

I like good pictures, I dont need hyperrealism, and it, as arthistory shows, has rather less, than more joyfull aspects.

FINAL QEUSTION: What are the minimum LFS S3 System Requirements? Maybe I should start saving money now!

Last edited by Dandy Dust, . Reason : additional thoughts
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
You are right...! I only looked at the CPU... mh, tnx...
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Of course my Pc is within the system requirements that are given,
and I am stating that that does not make me happy...
Last edited by Flame CZE, . Reason : threads merged
rfactor2 beta online - first inpression
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I downloaded and BOUGHT rfactor2 beta yesterday and this is my first impression:

With my LFS-Computer (Dual core 4200 at 2,0 hz) nvidia 7500gt graficcard

Rfactor2 DOES NOT WORK. The framerate is completely unexaptable with a

desktop PC that is more then enough for Live for Speed S2.

It was late a night, I put all the grafic-ajustments I could find to the minimum, but still, no chance of PLAYING the game properly.

I will, of course, try and find out, what more I can do, do have the game going...but at the moment, for me and my equippement, rfactor2 does not seem to be the simulation of choice, when it comes to LFS-betrayal until the
physics and even Scirocco and Rockingham and the whole S3 thing comes.
(I do wonder though, what System-Requirement will be necessary for LFS S3.)

This is a very first impression!

Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
As your boyfriend.
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
I allways wonder what may cause a 3 year delay. But when I think of my studies at the university (I have finished my studies successfully 1999), I have to state, that the question might even be, what may cause a 6 years delay:

Well, besides those reasons, that have a human name (Susi, Ulrike, Maya, and many more) there have also been some journeys to Afrika (5) and a little change in the plan what acctually should be studied (economics-publicistic-philosophy-art) I finally ended up with art with a main spotlight on philosophy in terms of subjects.

IF LFS would have existed then, I would for shure still study...

What was delaying the Scirocco for You Scawen?

Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
@Voided --> are You by any chance VOID?
No new years beta-test patch
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

Ok - for everybody who might have thought, the very new year 2012 would bring some beta testing of the tyre-phisics was wrong - so was I.

I think we have to look at the idea seasonwise again, if not by the years...

Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Genius beard!
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Because LFS is the best online racing game in the world.
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed

What does Your nickname express?

Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
I thought choosing "micromental" is MENT to be funny.

micro= small (the millionst part)
mi·cro (mkr)
adj. 1. Very small or microscopic.
2. Basic or small-scale: the economy's performance at the micro level.

n. pl. mi·cros 1. a. A microcomputer.
b. A microprocessor.

2. a. A microbrewery.
b. A microbrew.

mental = men·tal 1 (mntl)
adj. 1. Of or relating to the mind; intellectual: mental powers.
2. Executed or performed by the mind; existing in the mind: mental images of happy times.
3. Of, relating to, or affected by a disorder of the mind.
4. Intended for treatment of people affected with disorders of the mind.
5. Of or relating to telepathy or mind reading.
6. Slang a. Emotionally upset; crazed: got mental when he saw the dent in his new car.
b. Offensive Slang Mentally or psychologically disturbed.

I like reasearching Nicknames, and people can be quiet ironic about themselves.

ANYWAYS: It is not his real name and it IS funny. I did not say he was ugly or something, a laughted from his funny Nickname. What´s the proplem?

Why should I be rebuked about enjoying his FUNNY nickname???

Dandy Dust (sounds kind of gay in Englisch, as I was told! )
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Is "micromental" not MENT to be funny?

If not, I am sorry.
in the year 2012.5 (a patch poem)
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
In the year 2012point5
I´ll still play speed for life
(if not killed by my wife)

They may find
In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do, and say
Is in the pill you took today:
"Physics are not far away!"

In the year 4545
Ain't gonna need your wheel, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to drive
Nobody, nothing updatewise...

In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs got nothing to do
Some AI is doing that for you
but still one thing is true:
The skeleton, that once was You,
Lives for Speed and has no clue:
If the S3 will once come true...

In the year 6565
Ain't gonna need no physics, no scirocco drive
You'll teach your son how to drive, daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube' Whohoo soon:
Singing in the S4 tune!

In the year 7510
If DEVs a-comin' they ought to make it by then
Maybe they'll look around themselfs and say
Guess it's time for the Judgement day
at Rocking ham - grand racing Slam!

In the year 8510
the update waiting story came to an end
God is gonna shake his mighty head
He'll either say I'm pleased where Victor has been
Or tear it down and start again
Tyre physics, all in vain!

In the year 9595
I'm kinda wondering if a DEV is gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old community can give
And he ain't put back nothing
but a booring server (drift:tilt

Now it's been 10, 000 years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what he never knew
Now LFSs reign is through
But through eternal night
The twinkling of an update patch
So very far away, it´d be a snatch
we can see its twinkling light
Maybe they said yesterday
the patch to come, a sooner day

In the year 2525
If Scawen is still alive
If Eric can survive
we may drive S5

In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do or say
Is in the pill you took today ...(fading...)
Last edited by Dandy Dust, .
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
You know what? - Your NICKNAME made me cry laughting!!!

How can You call Yourself: M I C R O M E N T A L and post such micromental crap! Woahahahaha! TNX - You made my year!

Yours, Macrostupid
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
When I started the thread about the socalled "christmass surprise" I felt like a really rebellios "bad guy", but when I read You peoples answers I only see bidderness... WOW!
Very thanksfull
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hello LFS-Developers! Hello LFS - Gamers!

I like the fakt that the LFS-Dev team has come up with some Communication today. Something that should be continuued on various channels...

TNX for that, Dandy
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
@The Stig:

I kind of like Your statement!

I don´t see myself as neither angry nor do I want to be a slimebag.

I just do like LFS a lot and I want everybody to know, that I am having thoughts about it.

I still hope the Devs ARE Devs in the sense that things are beeing developed for lfs. (if not so, make it more of an open source project...)

happy-x-mess everyone!
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Are all germans nazis? Are all arabs moslems? Are all moslems terroists?
Are prejudices helpfull? - No!

Please get lost with primitive PURKA- commenting!
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Arabian Spring for Live for Speed =
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
@Mountaindewzilla I like liken Your link! (and red, and pink and yellow and cream... ) posted it on fb...
DEVs so quiet- BIG Xmass surprise at hand?
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

Am I just having a Dejavu, or am I smelling cabbage here:

A BIG Chrstmass Surprise coming from the developers.

What speaks for it?

1) DEVs been very quiet in the last months.

2) Scirocco, tyre-physics and Rockingham have been anounced a while ago.

3) It´s christmass - that´s the time Santa Claus is coming with new toys.

What speaks against it?

1) DEVs been very quiet in the last months.

2) Scirocco, tyre-physics and Rockingham have been anounced a long while ago.

3) It´s christmass - that´s the time all children are beeing betrayed with incredible lies.

What are Your christmass thoughts?

Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
After all, thinking of the promised Scirocco in 2008 this is a unique
possibility of

being nostalgic about something that still lies in future.